Recently, my classes have begun reading both Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (outside of class) and Grit: The Power and Passion of Perseverance by Angela Duckworth (in class). After kindness, I believe that persistence, work ethic, and attitude are a close second. I lumped all three of those traits into one category because Grit is more than just being determined. Duckworth defines Grit as “passion and perseverance for long-term goals.” Whether we develop that passion over time or it comes naturally to us, that passion is a necessary ingredient to our success. Author and motivational speaker Jon Gordon defines Grit as “...driven by love. Inspired by vision and purpose. Fueled by optimism and belief. Powered by faith and hope. Revived by resilience. Kept alive by stubbornness. And if we’re honest includes some fear of failure and desire to prove oneself.” Having Grit is not just one attribute and it does not happen overnight, but rather over an extended period of time and incl...
The purpose of this blog is to share ideas between myself, my colleagues, and my students. Let the blogging begin!