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Showing posts from 2020

Thoughts On Remote Learning and This Crazy World We Are In

As we conclude this first week of online learning, I want to give my thoughts about how things are going and the implications of all this. It is never easy to make major life adjustments like this on the fly. Personally, I had to make the move to online learning while also taking two graduate classes online and while having my entire family home. Talk about a challenge! I would love to hear from some of you in the comments about how you are adjusting. I have been so incredibly impressed with the flexibility all of my students have shown through this transition to online learning. I know that this has to be incredibly hard for your senior year to be ending this way and you have all stepped up to the plate. The quality and depth of your words on the discussions board posts, as well as your effort on your 90-second speeches, have been terrific. I know this online learning thing isn’t easy, but trust me you are gaining valuable skills along the way. Namely, flexibility, time-management,...

My Running Life

I often assign my students to write about their reading life at least once a month. This allows them to reflect on what they have read and how it has impacted their life. It is a great exercise of the mind and gives great insight into what kinds of reading students like to do and what their interests are. However, we too often neglect reflecting on other areas of our life which give us balance and a sense of being centered. Running has always been that activity for me. Having run competitively from 7th grade through college, running has been a major part of my life. I have gone through different eras in my running career, from beginner to competitive, to a run-for-fitness adult. Each era has allowed me to set different goals and approach each run in a different way; however, one benefit that has remained constant is how I feel after a good run. This latest phase of my running life in which I run for fitness and the joy of running has been an interesting journey. I no longer h...

Mastering Your Fear

Over winter break, I read an article by Brandon Webb titled, “How to Master Your Fear Like a Navy Seal.” He began by discussing a situation in combat in which soldiers were literally facing down an enemy in a stressful situation. Of course, while I found it interesting, I figured it only applied to life-threatening or truly terrifying situations. However, as I continued reading, I began to see many applications in my life. Fear can come in many forms: it can come when faced with a life or death situation or it can come in the form of crippling anxiety, stress, depression, and worry. I find myself ruled by the fear of the latter set of circumstances. The article discusses how to control the inner monologue of our minds to not be ruled by fear but to use it in a positive way. Webb writes, “Whatever it is, you’ll deal with it in its time and place. Meanwhile, don’t let it swim around inside your head!” He also noted that our body language can give away our fear if we let it. In other...