I recently came across a video of Alabama football coach Nick Saban giving a talk to a group of coaches. He said something that really stuck with me, stating, “They weren’t my guys for 3 years, 4 years, or 5 years. They’re my guys forever. And that’s the way we should all feel about what we do.” Although I may not always make the connections that I want with students and other faculty members, I can recognize the importance of it.
I absolutely love when students want to talk to me in the morning or after school just because they want to. It would be an understatement to say that having students willing to share their thoughts, ask questions, and ask me about my day makes me a better teacher. There are so many lessons that I have learned from students, from how to work hard, deal with disappointment, and what really gets them engaged. As teachers, if we go into each day with the attitude that we are imparting knowledge on the students and we have nothing to learn from them, then we aren’t modeling what we expect from them. We want them to be lifelong learners, bounce back in a positive way from a mistake, and be kind to others.
However, the building of connections does not stop there. I have so much admiration and appreciation for some of the faculty members that I have had an opportunity to work with and learn from. My second year of teaching, I had the pleasure of learning from two of the best in the business about how to treat students, and that to engage them they must trust you. As I have moved through my teaching career since then, I have had many others who have taken the time to help me and vice-a-versa. I still have really close relationships with colleagues from my previous school and occasionally reach out to them. I would not be the teacher I am today without those connections and a willingness to keep improving my craft. Lawrence has been NO different. The support and freedom to create that Mrs. Cook has offered have been so rewarding. Her understanding of the personal side of teaching and parenting has been so valuable. Mrs. Janamanchi has provided an amazing sounding board about all things English and life. I cherish our conversations and I know that she has made me a better teacher and human being. Mrs. Wise has encouraged me to take the time I need to develop the best lessons possible and has provided incredible support and aid whenever I have needed it. Mrs. Galambos was so welcoming and has been a fantastic person to bounce ideas off of and good stress relief when I need some conversation. Ms. Morgan and Mrs. Hotz have also provided me with great ideas for how they structure certain lessons, as well as great models for building connections with students. Mr. Gocinski has also provided major support for difficult situation and skills, such as using Microsoft Excel to create supply and demand curves for Economics. The list goes on and on.
The point is that I cannot do this on my own. Sure, it is important that we teach our students to be independent, but it is also important to teach them the value of close connections and a willingness to always improve. A growth mindset is crucial to success in this world. I don’t know that I always thank others enough or take time to appreciate those connections with students or fellow faculty members. However, to paraphrase Nick Saban, they will always be my people.
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